Selected Essays
Sand Pebbles Podcast
New Podcasts and Postings are now also available on my new Substack Page.
Philosophy of Law as Religion
The Truth on SJC Cases 12025 and 13241 / In Re Valeriano Diviacchi
“The Good Old Days on the Boat”
The Most Courageous Military Branch as a Matter of Law
Academia: Existential Philosophy of Law
Existential Philosophy of Law
Why Tolerate Law?
Essay “Why Tolerate Law” in response to “Why Tolerate Religion”
From A Trial Attorney’s Perspective: Two Dogmas of Law School Academics
From A Trial Attorney’s Perspective
Call for Convention of the States
The Law Illusion: Analytic Essays for the Working Public on the Fraud Called “Common Law” Decisions
Race and Class: A View From The Bottom Up
An Existential Meta-Ethics
On Suicide: A Nihilist Memoir & Other Nihilist Essays
Between The World And Us
Why Does God Hate The Poor?