VALERIANO DIVIACCHI For full version with additional references, citations, and exhibits, see VALERIANO DIVIACCHI / The Truth on SJC Cases 12025 and 13241 VALERIANO DIVIACCHI Private citizen Valeriano Diviacchi pursuant to the First Amendment states the following regarding SJC Case 12025, In Re Valeriano Diviacchi, in which the undersigned Valeriano Diviacchi was […]
Now each of us from time to time has gazed upon the sea and watched the mighty warships pulling out to keep this country free. And most of us have read a book or heard a lusty tale, about these men who sail these ships through lightning, wind and hail. But there’s a place within […]
New Podcasts and Postings are now also available on my new Substack Page.
My Ph.D. thesis is now available online: Existential Philosophy of Law
This is a question that analytic philosophers have been asking since the latter part of the 19th Century. Many would argue this question is the formation foundation of analytic philosophy starting with Alfred Whitehead and Bertrand Russell’s attempt at uniting logic and mathematics —-in their Principia Mathematica advocating the “logicism” view that all mathematical truths […]
Neither and both. Morality means the individual’s leap to meaning in life, it is an ideology that in theory can be non-violent if the individual decides martyrdom for that meaning is part of the meaning of their life. However, by this meaning of martyrdom, they are being violent to themselves, so morality often cannot eliminate […]
If one uses a classically rigorous definition of a tautology, the answer is yes. Classically, a tautology is a statement that is necessarily true by the classical laws of logic (identity, non-contradiction, excluded middle). So, statements such as “if the grass is green then the grass is green” and “all bachelors are unmarried men” are […]
One aspect of my disciplinary case with the Massachusetts Bar and its false findings calling me immoral is a microcosm of why professional rules of ethics should not be used as a normative process to regulate any profession, in particular that of being a lawyer. This aspect is the simple and undisputed fact that one […]
They do not. I have studied philosophy my whole life, graduated from Harvard Law School, did trial work for 25 years, and wrote the book “An Existential Philosophy of Law”. They are complete opposites. Philosophy rationally seeks knowledge of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. Law is the rationale by which the few […]
This question is actually the reverse of what should be asked about this Theorem: why is it so famous within mathematics? Answers by mathematicians to this question assume their conceptual math problems are at the heart of this Theorem and thus ridicule its application to conceptual problems of formal logical explanations for anything else. This […]
In the simplest of terms, code is not language and language is not code even though informally sometimes it is incorrectly called “computer language”. Neither the computer nor any linked community of computers such as the internet speaks a language; humans represent useful language information in their computer use through code. Language consists of and […]
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